Friday, January 29, 2010

Waiting on the snow bento

Well, while the whole town was buzzing about our expecting snow storm I unwillingly drug myself to work. I knew it would be a long slow day at the salon so I packed a snack also to ward off any snicker bar temptation. No one seems to know what to do when they call for snow except fill their grocery carts full of milk, bread, and eggs and rush the pumps for gasoline at the last minute. Luckily I was ahead of the curve and did my shopping earlier this week. As we speak the snow is drifting down quite swiftly and my yard is covered in a soft white sprinkle of fluffy snow. So! onto the the food shall we? Black berries, grapes, carrots, dried apples and banana chips were the raw fruits and veggies I packed. I also threw in some ham and swiss cheese rolls and cooked up some edamame, potatoes,  and shrimp in olive oil with abit of sea salt. Nothing fancy, but delicious on a cold day. In the snack is more banana chips, and two clementines.  Hope everyone is having a great night, and I will see you all tomorrow with pictures of the snow.

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